The mission of the Marvin and Rosalie Okun Foundation is to honor our founders by supporting programs that will have a significant, long-term, and positive impact on the lives of those within the Kalamazoo community.



The Board of Directors of the Marvin and Rosalie Okun Foundation will review grant applications on a bi-annual basis (typically in the spring and fall). Consistent with the wishes of the founders, the foundation will be looking to support programs or projects that:

  1. Make life more positive for those less fortunate - financially or physically,

  2. Positively impact a significant number of people in the community,

  3. Are focused on long-term change and results, not short-term relief, and

  4. Support those living within the Kalamazoo, Michigan community.



  • Arts and Culture

  • Health and Human Services

  • Education - particularly Jewish religious education



Requests for capital campaign funding will come under additional scrutiny, including the % of your request as related to the total campaign goal. 

If you feel that your project/program is in line with our Mission and Grant-Making guidelines, we welcome you to complete a Grant Application for funding support. Your application will be reviewed initially by our Foundation administrators and will then be submitted to the Board for review and consideration.